Monday, August 11, 2014

Threads Of Memory

When babies were born and families were young, threads of a friendship started more than three decades ago~

A braided rug was handed down from one friend to another~

As children grew and families changed, the threads grew worn~

Now repaired and good as new, the braided threads of memory will soon warm my daughter's new home~


ellen abbott said...

Somehow I large container of yarn appeared in my house. I don't knit and haven't crocheted in decades. Perhaps I'll make a rug out of it.

Helen said...

A beautiful heirloom your daughter will cherish. Look forward to seeing a photo of the rug in the new house!

Carolynn Anctil said...

What a cool tradition. It looks pretty darned good for it's age. (Sorry...I had to say it.) *wink*

RURAL said...

Heirlooms of memories...and such beautiful colors.


Laura said...

Beautiful tradition Sharon and a gorgeous rug, wow!

Deb said...

A beautiful rug and a beautiful tradition, your daughter is a very lucky woman!

Anonymous said...

What a nice tradition.

cindy said...

Love this post. So elegant and beautiful, the idea and the photos.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Love this idea.
Memories of braided rugs
that use to be a part of my home.
Seems over time
they were replaced
with different sizes of
Oriental rugs that I now pass
on to my children..
You make me wish my special braided rugs were still with me.
Guess they wore out
and I did not repair.
Now I am wearing out
but wise enough to keep
repairing :)

Wisewebwoman said...

Braided rugs, hadn't thought of them in years :)

Reminded me of the spiral knitting on the 4 nails and spool.

What a lovely thing to pass on!


MsGraysea said...

Such a beautiful rug, Sharon, and a lovely tradition for your daughter to carry on. I grew up in a house filled with braided rugs made by my grandmother. Treasures!