Saturday, March 14, 2020

Time to Write

Last summer everything seemed possible.

After my trip to Scotland, Ken and I took a road trip to see family in West Virginia and friends in Pennsylvania. We came home to do yard work and spend time with kids and grandkids ~ the weather was perfect for trips to the beach and cook-outs. I made it a point to enjoy every day of the season.

Then autumn arrived and I found the ideal long-term substitute teaching job. It started three weeks into October, which gave me time to get the house in order and organize quilting projects to do in the evenings. The 7:10 start time was early and the days were long, but I enjoyed teaching the 4th and 5th graders, my favorite age group. Snow days delayed the end of my commitment until January 29. I accomplished the goals I had set for the class and left on good terms with students and staff, so it was another good teaching experience.

I had such plans once I was home again! The first few weeks I spent cleaning house and catching up on my sleep. I started more quilting projects and tried new recipes. I relished time with family. I committed to getting back on the treadmill and found that mid-morning is a time I can stick to.

I have drafted several blog posts in my head but have been reluctant to spend much time on the computer. I was going to post pics when quilts were finished and while we were on a trip to New York's wine country. Then life changed....

In February we heard about a virus spreading through Asia and a cruise trip. Soon reports of COVID-19 in Italy made the headlines. Then cases were reported in Washington, California, and New York. We were not alarmed, but the more we listened and watched the more convinced we were that this epidemic is serious. We cancelled our plans for New York out of what we hoped was extreme caution. 

It turns out it wasn't extreme at all. It was common sense. Maine was one of the last states to verify cases of the virus. It's here now. We are in close touch with our sons in the Boston area, both of whom are working from home for the foreseeable future. We are available to help our daughter with day care if she is called in to work. And I have time to work on all the projects, including writing here.

My word for the year is curiously appropriate for where I find myself. I'll share next time.

The journey continues....

1 comment:

Yellow Shoes said...

Sharon I’m so pleased to see you back. I hope you use these strange times to let us know how you are dealing with it all. It’s such a help to hear from others. I’m in a very fortunate position of owning a tiny cottage on the UK deserted east coast. I have all mod con and, most vital of all, internet! Take care and please keep posting. xx