Monday, April 28, 2014

Cats And Dragons, Oh My

I think it's official:  we are the way station for wandering cats.  I don't want to think about why so many stray cats have made their way to our door, but #3 showed up just before midnight on Friday.  You may remember that that's how we wound up with Leo, who just showed up one evening and stole our hearts for two and a half years.  Then came the beautiful tiger kitten who wanted the safety of our porch and was a challenge to catch to take to the shelter.  Friday night's lovely was caught peering in the kitchen door and upon the invitation to enter was purring so loudly Ken could hear her across the room.  She introduced herself to everyone here and relished all affection lavished upon her~

I fixed her a dish of turkey, rice, and broth that she lapped right up.  She spent the night in the guest bathroom and explored every corner of the house the next morning.  I knew we needed to get her to the shelter for her sake and ours ~ I didn't want to get attached.  The people at the shelter took her right in, even though they were closed to visitors due to painting the entire interior of the building, and all said she would be easily adopted due to her beauty, disposition, and young age.  I nick-named her Bright Eyes and know she will make some family a wonderful pet~

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I had a request for a photo of the luggage I bought.  I think this angle shows the pieces most clearly~

It is the Extra Large Sportman's Expandable Pullman Set.  The little guy on guard needed surgery after too much loving from Mazulah at my daughter's house.  Baby Dragon needed a new eye~

He's the cutest thing, each arm and leg are made in one piece so you can make them longer or shorter by pulling them up or down.  I think a little boy I know may have fun with him when he visits in June. 


Carolynn Anctil said...

Here, in our new country home, we've discovered that people trap cats and then drive them miles into the country and leave them to fend for themselves, in all kinds of weather. It's unspeakably cruel. You're kind to help a kitty in need. This one definitely sounds like he belonged to a loving family. I'm surprised you were able to part with him. He looks like a complete love. Hopefully he'll be reunited with his family.

ellen abbott said...

The stray cays always came to our door too, only we kept them. Took me awhile to figure out why. We were the only house on the block without a dog.

RURAL said...

There is a soft place in the hearts of those whom cats love....and you are a chosen one for sure. When we lived in our condo in White Rock, despite the no cats rule, I always had visitors. That's how Boo chose us.

Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

Wisewebwoman said...

I have been avoiding eye contact with a small wee feline who keeps visiting my dog. My dog wants her but I've put my foot down.

I can be a sucker for animals.

I adore the luggage, particularly those strong looking handles!


cindy said...

Oh I love her. The pictures are adorable. Also, nice suitcases:)