Friday, April 25, 2014

Make That A Table For Four

With March Madness over, our attention has turned to the National Hockey League play-offs.  The first round for the Boston Bruins looked to be a tough one with the Detroit Red Wings, who won three of the four games they played Boston during the regular season.

Ken and I are not obsessed with hockey.  Once in a while we catch a game during the regular season.  However, we do enjoy the post season, when the best hockey is played.

Last night was Game 4 and we'd made plans for a late dinner at our favorite pub to watch the game.  The Bruins have brought their A-game in each of the three previous meetings and were up two games to one.

We were seated at the best table in the house, near a window on the Androscoggin River~

Which is just below the biggest television screen in the place~

There was a lot on the line for both teams.  Detroit won the first game played in the Boston, but then lost in Boston and Detroit.  Game 5 moves back to Boston, and Detroit would do well to head back to Bean Town even with the Bruins.  The first period ended with Detroit up 1-0.  By the start of the second period Ken and I had finished dinner and were enjoying our first cups of coffee...

when we were joined by another couple about our age.  There were plenty of empty tables and room at the bar, but when they approached our table and asked if they could watch the game we said sure.  After all, we did have the best table in front of the biggest screen.

They introduced themselves and it didn't take long for us to enjoy snippets of conversation during the commercials.  Their home base is in Cleveland and they have grown children scattered throughout the Northeast in places we know well.  We learned we have similar interests in music and theater.  My ears picked up when the mentioned they play pinochle, which Ken and I also enjoy; not only do they play but she organized a "club" where four couples get together four times a year for a potluck supper and mixed couples' pinochle.  I love that idea.

We enjoyed watching hockey and chatting and all cheered when the Bruins won in overtime.  I said maybe we'd run into them again if they were in the area, and he gave us his card with a phone number and email address.

Ken and I couldn't get over all the things we had in common and how easy it was to talk with people we'd just met.  I miss doing things with other couples.  I don't know why it's so hard to make plans, but people's lives are busy with work and other commitments.  Many of our friends have grown children, with their own children, who live in the area and they understandably want to spend time together.  Last night reminded me how good it feels to spend time with a couple that shares similar interests.

I have been wondering what Ken and I can do to make new friends.

The universe sent us a couple from Cleveland who like hockey and play pinochle.

Well, I have their email address.  When they visit Maine they stay in Freeport, where LLBean sponsors free Saturday night concerts all summer.  Once the schedule comes out, I think I will send an email and offer to save them a seat.  It seems like that's the least I can do ~


Cindy said...

Sharon, we are in Detroit so husband is huge Red Wings fan. Son in California for the hockey channel just so he could watch the games! I'm not a sports fan at all although I tried for years. Now I just read my book:)

MsGraysea said...

How nice, Sharon. We, too, notice how difficult it is to make plans with friends these days and thus we rarely do so. Even my closest friends wish to schedule phone calls in advance and often those get changed. When we do get together we have the greatest times but it is a major event in the planning.
I used to be a huge Bruins fan and attended many games, not so much anymore. We do get caught up in baseball and football at play-off time, too.
Hope Spring is beginning to come to ME. We have a little forsythia and some daffodils but it still looks like winter.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

This is wonderful.
I believe you have made new friends.
When I was your age and out a lot
it was easy to make new friends.
Not now
seems I am content here by the woods and early to bed and early to rise.
All children have evening plans
and could have joined them but
did not :)

Carolynn Anctil said...

That sounds like a wonderful idea and I'll bet they'd be delighted! Someone once told me, if you want friends, you have to be a friend. Sound advice.


Anonymous said...

I'm friends with three other couples and we have quarterly dinners together -- choice of restaurant on a rotating basis. Not only do we really enjoy each other's company, but gives us a chance to try a place that we on our own probably wouldn't.

ellen abbott said...

I wonder too why it's so hard to make new friends. We've lived in this country town for 4 years now and although I have some friendly acquaintances I don't know that I could call them friends. Of course, my anti-social tendencies might have something to do with it.