Thursday, April 14, 2011

No News Is...

Well, it's no news. I borrowed that intro from a friend. And she's right ~ it's not good or bad, it just is.

I haven't heard a word from the school where I interviewed three weeks ago. That shuts the window on the time frame they had for second interviews. Sigh. The worst part is that I continue to dream about the job, the work to be done, and the people.

Meanwhile there's plenty to be done. Last weekend Ken and I cleaned out the garage. It was mostly to make space for the tractor with the bucket attached and room for the implements not currently on the tractor, and to allow for prime parking for his motorcycle. In the process I gained a few square feet of storage area on the wire shelves, so it wasn't a total loss.

This week I have updated scrapbooks and photo albums, hung artwork, reorganized files, rearranged bookshelves, and generally de-cluttered every corner.

While no news is no news, there are still things to do. If the sunshine of today continues, soon there will be work to do outdoors.

Have a good weekend every one ~


Laura said...


Marie said...

NO, NO, NO !!! Say it isn't so. See how well I do with the acceptance factor????

Love, your grumpy friend who is very much looking forward to spending time with you soon.

Carolynn Anctil said...

It will all work out, as it should, in the proper time.

That's something a mantra we impatient types recite occasionally to keep from going mental. *smile*

Kristen said...

there's a little news on this end - she's contracting and looks like early labor is here! Not quite the news you were hoping for, but news nonetheless.

Joanne said...

There's something I've been seeing in business that I find so unprofessional, and that's the current trend of silence being a no. When did it go out of vogue to at least send an email or brief note to job candidates, ESPECIALLY those who took the time to interview, to not in some way decline them in writing. Last year, after completing an extensive education culminating in her Masters in Education, my daughter applied for several high school teaching jobs. She did get a job and is now teaching H.S. English, but ... She applied at several schools and we were amazed at how many of them did not even acknowledge receipt of the application materials, and when I say application materials, they were extensive and took quite some time to assemble. I find this practice to be disrespectful to the candidates.

So though I'm truly sorry that you haven't heard back on this job for a second interview, you opened the door to my rant ... I hope they let you know yes or no and don't just leave things hanging.

mermaid said...

Sharon, your creative energy is not lost. I firmly believe that you will direct it through the right channels. May you continue to plant what your desires to grow.

Anonymous said...

I will keep your job search on my "wishing list", Sharon! Meanwhile, I know there's a lot of comfort and satisfaction to be found in completing domestic chores and getting ready for spring. Think of how ready you will be when the job comes and the good weather is here!
Thinking of you.

Cindy's Coffeehouse said...

Sharon, it must feel so frustrating wanting to know, one way or the other. But I believe there's a reason for that that you'll see somewhere down the road.

Cynthia said...

Sounds like you're spring cleaning! Sorry about the job but something even better will come along.

teri said...

Sharon- I am behind on reading posts---like 6 days...None-the-less I must say I am sad that they did not call you back. Yes it is what it is - but.

On the "we keep doing the same things" topic- I cleaned out my garage- it was spring clean up--- and husband or no I was going to get that stuff out to the curb- I needed advil the next day, but I have a clean garage! wishing you blessings- teri