I spent September trying to feel better.
Over Labor Day weekend I attempted to fend off a UTI, drinking copious amounts of water for days. I thought I had it licked...then had to admit I didn't. It took ten days and two different antibiotics to clear up the infection, and I still wasn't feeling 100%.
Ten days ago I saw my massage therapist and mentioned I was feeling run-down and couldn't get a handle on what was wrong. She suggested a doctor who uses muscle resistance to assess how a body is doing.
I called and she had an opening this week. I saw her Tuesday evening and was fascinated by the process. I held out my right arm, determined to stay strong as she lightly pushed down. How hard could it be to keep my arm out straight? She pointed to different points on my body and there were times when I was completely helpless as my arm gave way. She said that generally I am in good health. However, my brain is disorganized, my blood is weak, and two of my lower vertebrae are out of whack which is affecting my bladder. She gave me an exercise to do, recommended a daily teaspoon of blackstrap molasses, and encouraged me to make an appointment with an osteopath, which I have been meaning to do for weeks.
The next day I called the osteopath for a new-patient appointment, which I thought would be weeks away. Just twenty minutes earlier they'd had a cancellation for this coming Monday afternoon, late enough that I can go after work.
Just for good measure I made an appointment later this month for a physical with my primary care doc.
The doctor mentioned that I am in the process of waiting and need to continue to be patient. She said that my heart is "tired" and that I can protect it by gently placing my hand on my chest, which I have been doing for months.
I have asked the universe for help. I feel that those pleas have been answered.