April is a transition month. Spring can't quite settle in because winter refuses to quit. The wide range of temperatures and odd display of weather is confusing. In years past even April vacation, the third week of the month, has been frustrating. I have never been able to cross everything off the incredibly long to-do list.
This year was different. I took some notes so I can happily survive April next year....
Start the vacation week with company. My son came for an overnight stay the first weekend so the house was clean and the pantry was full. That freed us up to visit and play with Maggie~
Maggie "holding court" |
Go away for a couple days. Ken was working out of town so I joined him in Dover, New Hampshire for two nights. His work schedule got crazy but we made it to our favorite restaurant in Portsmouth for dinner~
The view from our table |
Work on a project in progress. In March I cut into strips the first quilt I ever made out of scraps of the clothes I sewed while I was in high school. The quilt needed an update and over April break it became clear what I wanted to do - add more color~
Framing fabrics are odd pieces handed down from my daughter |
Do something new. Sometime late winter I learned about the
Maine Quilt Shop Hop. It has been a tradition for 12 years but I just heard about it, which is a loss on my part that was corrected this April when I was lucky enough to visit 20 of the 36 shops taking part in this year's month-long challenge. The idea is to visit as many shops as you can in the month of April, submit your stamped "passport" for a drawing for very nice prizes, and vote for the challenge quilt of your choice [each shop has one]. Here's my choice for the quilt challenge, found in the Sanford Sewing Machines shop~
A 3-D quilt designed by people in the store |
Work with fabric. Yes, it's true. I bought fabric at most of those quilt shops I visited. I have four projects in mind and need the raw materials to make them happen. The lesson is to get the fabric when I see it because I may not find it again. I traveled 565 miles to shops all over central and southern Maine, saw parts of the state I've never seen before. It was so much fun! Here are the solids I bought, all American Made Brand cottons grown, woven, and dyed right here in the USA~
This is a fraction of the colors available |
Spend time with Maggie. I adore this child~
Maggie went shop hopping too |
I survived April and now it is May. I need to remember these strategies as the journey continues....