Tuesday, February 10, 2015

By Feet And Inches

As promised it snowed on Groundhog Day - more than a foot.  That made for snow day #4 with a late start for schools the next day in hopes that roads could be cleared and people would be able to get out.  For the most part it worked and we had a clear day that Wednesday.  Snow throughout the day on Thursday delivered another five inches and made for the most treacherous roads so far this winter, but with no time off everyone made the best of it and left plenty of time to travel.  We had two days to shovel out before snow arrived again this past Sunday morning and continued right through Monday evening, topping off with another fresh six inches.

For those of you keeping count, in central Maine we have had over five feet of snow since January 1.

Ken cleared away a few inches Sunday evening before he headed out of town for the week.  He called yesterday and offered to come home but I said I would be okay.  I took a personal day today and had a lot to do, but I decided if I had trouble I would figure something out.  As it was I got out of the driveway alright but got stuck trying to make it back up the hill.  Somehow I managed to back down [after a lot of back and forth] and went about shoveling my tire tracks and putting down sand.  It worked!  I made it into the garage.  I will make it out in the morning and not worry about the trip back up the hill until I get home.

Aside from the weather, this year got off to a tough start.  It really has been a day-to-day slog.  There have been few bright spots.

Luckily, the last few days have seen a bit of an upturn.  Friday evening Ken prepared a lovely meal and our daughter joined us for a relaxed visit.  A friend took me to the movies on Saturday.  My mom sent me chocolates and last evening I had a nice chat with her on the phone.

Today I considered going shopping and getting my hair cut short.  I did neither.  Instead I turned in the paperwork necessary to refinance the house [further cutting our interest rate so that it is now almost half of what it was when we bought the house in 2007] and changed long distance companies [someone from some department at CREDO finally called me about the email and letter I sent to say how thoroughly dissatisfied I was with their customer service; she not once apologized or offered any form of compensation but said over and over how this sort of thing never happens; well it happened to me and not only do I feel better now but I will save over 50% on my long distance bill by changing companies].

Today was productive and uplifting as well.  I received the perfect cards from my two oldest friends, both across the country and valued beyond words for their friendship.  I received a bonus phone call from my friend in New Mexico, who sees right into my heart and says exactly the right thing.  Then my sister surprised me with a phone call from Scotland.  The day topped off with phone calls from my son in Boston and Ken in New Hampshire.

Happy Birthday to me.  I am going to count today as a fresh start to the year.


ellen abbott said...

Well, happy birthday to you. Starting a new year doesn't have to be on Jan. 1. Seems to me a birthday is the perfect day to start a new year.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Happy Birthday
Take care..

Deb said...

Happy belated birthday Sharon! Sounds like you had a perfect birthday, filled with new starts and well wishes from family and friends alike. Here's to a year filled with joy and happiness and a little less snow wouldn't hurt either!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Happy Birthday! It certainly does sound like things are turning your way.

Pienosole said...

A Happy Belated Birthday! Sending you many well wishes for your new year!

Laura said...

Oh Sharon, I missed your birthday… may this be a year of blessings that surprise and stir your heart with joy… even if it is a tiny thing that lifts you up, each day. WOW… you have way more snow than we do, although we have quite a lot.

RURAL said...

Isn't it wonderful how life seems to reach out to you just when you need it the most. Happy Birthday to you, even if it's belated.


cindy said...

Happy birthday Sharon! Sorry for the snowy and bumpy start to the new year, but bet you're considering it a gift that things have not been worse this year with Maine weather! I can't imagine how you cope. We in Michigan have only had two feet of snow and I'm ready to move south permanently.

teri said...

Happy Birthday to year dear one. So many nice calls on your birthday. xoxo <3 Teri

Tracey said...

Happy Birthday to you!!

I'm happy for your happy happenings of late.

Do hope they continue.

Wisewebwoman said...

I am so glad your day reached out and hugged you, as it should on this special one!

Belated happy birthday, they are to be treasured.