Friday, August 2, 2013

Miss Millie

We had a sad start to August this year.  Yesterday was Millie's last day with us.

I could no longer deny how sick she was when she stopped eating.  She was moving slowly and only wanted to make her way to her favorite spot in the closet in our bedroom, where she liked to nestle in among our shoes.  It had been weeks since she kept my seat warm at the computer~

I knew when I made the late-afternoon appointment with the vet that it was the last trip Millie would make with me.  She was weak but still vocal about how much she disliked riding in the carrier.  The vet said there was something wrong that we couldn't see; Millie had lost a pound and a half since July 12.

I told Millie what a good cat she was and how much we loved her.  I told her to look for Leo, who will be glad to show her around.  Then I said good-bye.

I couldn't stop crying.  I knew what was coming and that it was the best decision, but losing her so soon broke my heart.  I wanted her to get better, and for a short while when she was first with us it looked like she was.  Yesterday morning a friend suggested that we each want a safe place to die and that maybe Millie felt that with us.  I know I loved her more than I expected to and miss her more than I thought possible.

Farewell Miss Millie.  You have a place in my heart ~


Balisha said...

Oh dear...My heart is aching for you. It's so hard to say good bye to a faithful pet.
Take care,

Carolynn Anctil said...

Oh, Sharon, I'm so sorry. I know well the pain and loss you're feeling. She was a beautiful girl and you did the right thing by her.

Sending you love,

Mitzi said...

We love our pets so much. We lost our Chloe Joy last fall after loving her for 14 years. We loved her enough to let her go. My heart goes out to you.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Thinking of you. I know if Miss Callie was no longer with me it
would break my heart - and then I said I would not bond like this to her and I have.
Our pets are so special to us and I know you miss her...

Anonymous said...

Oh Millie, you lucky girl. You were loved at your dying breath. Sharon, you're one of my heroes. So is Carolynn. It's a leap of faith and depth to adopt an older animal -- how lovely to see them out comfortably, to give them safe passage.