Friday, May 30, 2014

Lean Toward The Sun

Late last fall my friend Ruby gave me a dozen tulip bulbs.  They were a gift to her.  She wasn't sure she would still be in her cottage in the spring to see them bloom, so she gave them to me.  By then it was cold and the ground was partially frozen, but I had one barrel that still had diggable dirt, so I planted the bulbs there~

It has been pleasing to watch these tulips unfold.  In the rain this week the blooms closed up~

The next day they opened full in the sunshine~

Beautiful inside and out, they lean toward the sun~

Several weeks ago my daughter and I talked about how it's easy to write before and after big life events happen.  The anticipation and planning are fun to document.  I enjoy looking back and reflecting on what transpired and what I've learned.  We agreed that it's when you are in the middle of transformation that it's hard to write to share.

As I have written before, I am working to break old habits and patterns, and that includes not sharing the same things over and over again.  The internal work is grueling.  What's different this time is that I have made room for emotions to come to the surface to be felt and worked through.  Finally.  It has helped to read journal entries and posts here from three and four years ago.  I will not go backward.  This time I have enough momentum to propel myself out of the cycle and into a new space.  I don't know where I will wind up.

Wherever it is I plan to lean toward the sun....


MsGraysea said...

What pretty tulips....and leaning toward the light is a perfect reminder for me as I'm careening toward retirement and an entirely new life. I have a feeling there will be a lot of light and love in the new realm!
You really encourage me with your commitment to yourself!

starrlife said...

Exciting to see!

Helen said...

Lean toward the sun and bloom where you're planted my friend!

RURAL said...

There are words tonight that I am reading on blogs that inspire, and stir my soul. Your post is one of them, and thank you so much for writing such beautiful words.

My family is going through some big changes right now, and we too need to lean into the sun.


cindy said...

I love that. I want to lean into the sun with you, Sharon. Ruby's tulips are wonderful.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

I love this entry..