Thursday, March 24, 2011

Leo On The Green

Leo has once again changed his preferences for where he would like to nap. The padded boxes in the corner of the living room and in the garage near his food dish no longer meet his approval. Neither do the chairs, the corner of the carpet, or either of our laps. Instead, he would rather spend his time in the garage perched on an old quilted mover's pad atop an overturned crate. As for in the house, he circles the island in the kitchen and has had a hard time finding a place to settle in. So, at his request, he has been spending increasing amounts of time in the garage between partaking of his meals of wet food in the morning and at 5:00 each evening. Then this week we noticed that he likes the space under a small table in the kitchen ~

More and more often that seems to be his "go to" place when he is in the house. This evening Ken suggested that if we padded the area with the fleece blanket that my daughter's dog uses when she visits that maybe Leo would settle down there. Don't worry, Mazulah, when you visit the blanket will still be yours to use ~

It is our job to figure out what makes Leo comfortable in the autumn of his life, which is keeping us on our toes!


Joanne said...

Leo's a very particular cat, one who knows his likes and dislikes, apparently. My cat Puddin is happy in the same little round bed we brought home from the humane society over 5 years ago with her. She's in it more than she's not.

Anonymous said...

I love reading about this gorgeous, sweet cat of yours. Leo is so lucky to have you. One of our cats, Emma, is 15 yrs old and we're in the same boat, trying to keep her comfortable in her elder years. She has pancreatitis, and needs daily medication. Jack, on the other hand, is 5 yrs old ... a little devil.