Thursday, May 24, 2012

An Even Dozen

There are twelve days left in my school year.

I am giddy.

The students and I have settled into a routine. Lesson plans are falling into place, and I am on schedule to cover the curriculum. I have only one morning duty next week because of the Monday holiday. I have only one afterschool detention duty left to serve.

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

There are actually fourteen student days left, but I will miss the last Friday and Monday. The weekend before the final days I will be in Seattle for my son's graduation ceremony at the University of Washington. I am delighted that I am able to go, while other family members have obligations that make it impossible for them to be there. T understands, and he will show me the city so Ken and I will have an easier time getting around in July. I will take lots of photos.

I don't want to test fate, but I am looking to apply for teaching jobs for the fall. I have the perspective that what is meant to be will be. I know that things may not go exactly the way I want them to go, but they will work out one way or the other. All I can do is put my best foot forward and see where that takes me.

I used to wonder if there was only so much good that could happen in a person's life. Now I think about the things, big and small, that happen every day that make me smile. So much depends on what I choose to focus on and how often I say "yes" to the opportunities that present themselves.

I am a lucky lady.


Marie said...

Happy Days!!!!!

Carolynn Anctil said...

Yay! I couldn't do what you do for a living. I don't have the patience for it. Congratulations to T, as well. That's fabulous news. With this year of teaching under your belt, you should have a much better chance of landing another job soon, I'm sure.

That last bit, is absolutely true. Reminds me of the story of the two wolves.

teri said...

You count them down! I can hear you from here!!xo

Helen said...

Oprah Winfrey quote: “What you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it."

Stay focused on what makes you smile!

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Your post
makes me smile.
Happy for you....

Things that make me happy said...

I love hearing how excited you are about your life now, Sharon ... and happy for you!

mermaid said...

Saying yes is everything. LIke you, I can't be intimate with life when I am trying to control the outcome. As you said, best foot forward and choosing to focus on the beautiful gifts of life.

May summer be just delightful, and congrats and your journey this school year.

Laura said...

a blessed lady, filled with faith. Congratulations to your son to YOU to Ken and your whole family. Our milestone of my daughter graduating high school is coming so soon. I can't believe I too will soon have a child/young woman in college!