Sunday, October 28, 2012

Which Of These Things... not like the others?

On Tuesday October 16 we had an earthquake.  We were just finishing up dinner and the house started to shake.  Whoa.  Facebook immediately lit up with friends in New Hampshire, Vermont, and Boston reporting seismic activity.  We learned later that it was rated 4.0, the strongest event felt here in 40 years.  The ground quaked from New Jersey to Quebec City, apparently because the old, dense crust on our side of the continent allows the shock waves to travel long distances.  Thankfully there was no major damage or loss of life reported.

Nine days after the earthquake I had an interview, and I use the term loosely.  I was ushered into a room by a man, the principal I gathered, who spoke so quickly that I didn't catch his name.  There was a woman sitting at the table who neither introduced herself or told me her position, though she did smile and tell me she had a cold.  The principal fired questions at me, fidgeting in his chair, while the woman looked on.  I asked a few questions and was told that I would hear the next day one way or the other. Beginning to end I was in the room for less than 20 minutes.  True it was for a long-term sub position...but still!  When he called the next day to tell me they hired someone who already worked within the school system I said that I guessed as much because the interview was rushed.  When these places already know who they want to hire they need to refrain from plastering the state with news of an opening, which really doesn't exist, and advertise in-house so people within the system, who will be tapped for the job, can be the ones to apply.  My son looks at me like "this is crazy" and I explain to him that this is life when you try to get a job these days in public education.

Today Ken made room in the garage for the car, which is now safely out of harm's way.  We have battened down the hatches in preparation for impending hurricane Sandy.  Maine is slated to get heavy rain starting tomorrow and wind gusts of 50-70 miles an hour Monday night.  We have gas for the generator if we do lose power.  Ken is working locally so he will be home tomorrow at a decent hour and not on the road.  We can only do what we can do and keep a good thought for all of those in the path of the storm.

An earthquake, an interview, and a hurricane all within the span of 13 days.  Sounds like a bad joke doesn't it?  Maybe the interview fits in after all ~ no rhyme or reason on the timing and no way to predict the outcome beforehand.  We have to prepare the best we can, wait out the event, and deal with the aftermath.

I am hopeful that this most recent storm will move through quickly and clear skies will soon return. 


Helen said...

Let us hear from you when "Sandy" has passed by.

Wishing clear skies on all horizons of your life.

Carolynn Anctil said...

They do seem to have a lot in common. Stay safe & warm! The rest will sort itself out, eventually.

mermaid said...

Sharon, I enjoy your reflections of life thoroughly. You take three things: the earthquake, the interview, and the hurricane and ask which one doesn't fit.

It's like a starndardized test question, except this is real life, yours! Despite the impending chaos, you find shelter in your perspective and these words.

May you always find shelter...

Cindy's Coffeehouse said...

Sharon, I hope you're not too hard hit by the big storm. Sounds as if you've been through quite a lot of challenges lately. Good luck with the job search, too.

Laura said...

and this is just life... in our heart/minds and in our bodies and spirits... earthquakes, hurricanes, judgmental interviews (sometimes with our selves)... we felt the earthquake here too as you know and only lost power for three days after the hurricane... I feel fortunate... I know others south of here who suffered some great losses.