Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Not Yet

Day before yesterday we were so close to spring I could feel it ~
Splashes of green were appearing
Other than bits of snow the ground was clear
Then yesterday this happened ~
It started early in the morning
And continued throughout the day, into the night
This morning I awoke to eight inches of fresh snow everywhere ~

In my part of the world it is not spring yet ~


cindy said...

I know it's spring, but the snow is beautiful. I love when you do those photo posts. Loved the quilt too.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

It is in the 20's and windy this early morning. I thought Spring had arrived a few days ago - but not yet.
No snow in this area.
It is coming
just seems it is taking a long time.

Helen said...

Ugh... At least there are rays of sunshine in the last photo. Hope your world is beginning to melt and that you see bare ground, trees leafing, and flowers popping out soon.

RURAL said...

It's a quirky spring for those of us that get snowy winters. Our snow is all gone, but we seem to be cold here this week.


teri said...

I am beginning to think spring forgot us. But my yoga teacher said someone told her it feels like we are inside one of those snow globes. It made her happy, so it has made me happy. Sometimes.