Monday, August 5, 2013

Barrels Of Color

We have had many days of rain this summer, so there is lots of green to see.  Fortunately, we've just had a few partly sunny days so there is now more color mixed in with the unruly green in the whiskey barrels I planted with annuals this summer ~
red geranium, snap dragons, petunias, marigolds
lobelia and celosia
coral geranium, pansies, snap dragons, petunias
The weather is changing.  This morning it was 55 degrees at 7:30.  Tonight I closed the windows.

I went back through entries here to find photos of the coast of Maine.  They are scattered hither and yon, so I started a new category called "Maine."  If you'd enjoy an ocean scene or would like to see some of Maine's terrain, take a look.  I have plans to take more photos of this lovely state in the coming months.


Balisha said...

I used to have a couple of whiskey barrels that I planted with geraniums...usually the red ones. I do love your pink ones.What a pretty mix of flowers.
Do you ever bring your geraniums in for the winter? I'm thinking about doing that this year.
Have a nice day...Balisha

RURAL said...

We've had those kind of summers where it just seems to rain feel almost cheated at the end. Summer is so fleeting, and beautiful, I hope that you manage to get more sunny days in soon.


One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Weather in Northern Tennessess is changing also. Wonder if we will have a early Fall. At one time I had whiskey barrels filled with a mixture of plants - just like you.
Have a good rest of the day...

Carolynn Anctil said...

Our summer was wetter here than usual, or so I'm told. It certainly helped all the crops grow, although now I think we could use some sunshine to help the poor water logged vegetables.

Laura said...

so pretty sharon! a bit breezy here today, but the sun was shining when I woke up. Just opened the window to feel the cool air...accuweather say's it's 67... odd for the 14th of August.