Saturday, August 17, 2013

Timber Frame: The Start

Ken has been interested in timber frame construction for as long as I can remember.  Last summer we stopped at a place off the interstate that has model structures set up.  In July the local Long Branch School, a place to learn traditional skills, advertised a timber frame class for mid-August.  Ken expressed interest and I encouraged him to sign up.  The class started Thursday, and he has been working long hours with five others to build a 10 x 14 timber frame from scratch.  The best thing is that we were the only ones interested in buying the finished product, so the timber frame will be ours and will be constructed on our property.

The work started two weeks ago when we had to decide where to put the building that we are calling the "shed."  One of the instructors came by to see if the spot would work and what Ken would need to do to prepare the site.  Last weekend we had 10 yards of 3/4 inch stone delivered, and the adventure was underway.  Here is the start in pictures~
raking out roots and stumps that were loosened with the tractor
ten yards of crushed stone delivered
unloading railroad ties that will be used for the base
setting the perimeter
leveling railroad ties that will support the timber frame
timbers are delivered at the work site in town
using a chisel to finish a mortise where a tenon will be fitted


Carolynn Anctil said...

Wow. That's exciting. So glad he's getting a chance to do something he's always wanted to do. I'll bet he really appreciates your support. And, won't it be great to have a brand new shed he built with his own hands?

Balisha said...

I'll be reading to see the progress on this building.

Helen said...

The last few days I have been thinking about the class and the build so was glad to see your post. Look forward to the finished shed frame and steps beyond!

And, yes, my hubby wishes he was right in there making sawdust with Ken.

RURAL said...

That's so cool, not only will he learn, but he will be able to use the finished product.

I too would love to see the finished pictures.


One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

This is exciting.
You will enjoy...

Hill Top Post said...

I am so interested in this project. We would love to have a small timber frame cabin.