Saturday, March 28, 2009

March In Maine Means Mud

Under cloudy skies and with the temperature hovering just above freezing, Ken and I bundled up to venture out this morning. We had two errands to run in the next town, where there are paved streets to walk and interesting sights to see. Before we climbed in the car I asked him to take a picture of me to show hair color and length two weeks into the process. I am surprised at how much more I smile for the camera these days.

The newspaper delivery guy hangs the paper on our mailbox before sunrise every morning. The protective yellow bag does a good job against the elements. Unfortunately, it does nothing about the mud moat in front of the mailbox.

We periodically check this creative way to tally the money collected for a new town library.
This house often has something colorful in the yard, and today it was an egg tree. The bright blue container in the background is a custom-painted dumpster.

Last fall I met the woman who lives in this church, a structure I admired when I first saw it two years ago. She saved it from demolition during the 80's and built a living space in a corner of the interior. There is still a large open space where she has hosted public meetings. I hope to catch her home sometime so she can give me a tour.

The building is even more impressive when you can see the length in relation to the height. I asked Ken if he ever thought of living in a church; he sees how hard it would be to paint and heat. I see the romance of old wood and tall windows.


CaShThoMa said...

Great photographs!

I agree about MUD; what's do be done about it? Nothing, I suppose.

Love your hair color; you look great!

Anonymous said...

Love the new do and color! I love churches- think living in one would be pretty cool! Imagine the acoustics! We've got plenty mud too but it's starting to melt and the crocuses are up!!!!

Joanne said...

Thanks for the tour through your day! I was actually in Burlington, VT yesterday, closer to your neck of the woods than my normal Connecticut! It was very warm there, lots of sunshine too. Has that warmth reached as far north as Maine yet?