Sunday, April 26, 2009

Just Breathe

Once a month I have a massage.

I learned the hard way about the benefits of massage therapy almost fifteen years ago. My neck was so stiff I couldn't turn my head, my hips were out of alignment, and my anxiety level was at an all-time high. I noticed a difference after my first session with a therapist, and over the next several months I found that massage was good for my body, mind, and spirit. Massage therapy became part of my health maintenance plan.

I have been seeing my current massage therapist for ten years. We know a lot about each other, and she knows my body as well as I do. We start each session with a conversation about what's new and how my body has been feeling.

On Friday I told her my shoulders were stiff and my lower back ached.

She asked about my breathing.

I told her that I caught myself holding my breath.

She said that when we deny our bodies oxygen things get stuck and energy can't flow. Her suggestion was to get the energy moving again. By the time she was finished, my shoulders felt better and my back didn't hurt.

I took a few deep breaths and felt my entire body relax.

My task since the massage has been to keep my breath flowing and the energy moving. It's easiest to do before I go to sleep at night and when I wake up in the morning. I lay in bed and focus on breathing in and out. The challenge is to continue the process throughout the day, and the reward is to feel better all over.

At the top of my to-do list this week-end has been a simple thing that makes a big difference ~ remember to breathe.

This experience reminded me of one of my favorite songs of 2004,
Breathe (2 AM) by Anna Nalick. The chorus has been running through my mind:

Cause you can't jump the track, we're like cars on a cable
And life's like an hourglass glued to the table
No one can find the rewind button, girl
So cradle your head in your hands
And breathe...just breathe.


CaShThoMa said...

Breathe, just breathe; so true and yet we forget. Sometimes it's all we can do when the world seems out of control.

I love Anna Nalick's song and way back when my blog was but a week or two old, I wrote a post including those lyrics.

A good reminder, indeed.


Joanne said...

"Just breathe" seems like an analogy for so much when you start to really think about it. It's freeing, it opens us, it rises, it's rhythmic and thus calming, it's affirming, it's natural, it's controllable in a way. The list goes on ... breathing.

Cindy L said...

A massage is such a luxury in more ways than one. As you've noted here, it's also an opportunity to learn something about oneself!

Allison said...

Ooh, so much wisdom in a few comments. I just had a trainer remind of this this morning since I often hold my breath. Usually means I'm tensed up trying too hard, or focused too intently. And it DOES break the flow, work never goes as well when I'm trying to force it (hold my breath).

And, it's been far too long since I had a massage, that sounds wonderful.

Janice Lynne Lundy said...

Lovely, post! "Just breathe" has been a mantra for me for a very long time now. The breath is my personal connection to Spirit, and so much more. I am so glad you honor yourself, Sharon, by getting a monthly massage. What a great gift of self-care you are giving yourself!

starrlife said...

Great idea and post! Thanks for reminding me! That massage sounds wonderful!