Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Back On The Horse

Well, figuratively. Today I got back on the treadmill after a six-week hiatus. It was the first thing to go when the storms of July hit. Then went the vitamins, reasonable coffee intake, a balanced diet, and sensible bedtime.

Here's the thing about falling off the horse.

At some point you have to get back on.

My body came through for me in July, even though I missed my monthly massage and stopped moving in ways that my body had come to enjoy and expect. Despite my neglect, my neck continued to turn, my back supported my shoulders, my legs carried me where I needed to go, and my arms moved to and fro as directed.

I treated my physical manifestation to a massage on Friday. It showed its gratitude by putting muscles back where they belong.

My massage therapist says that is what happens when you regularly take care of your body, that it remembers what it needs to do even during times of stress.

I didn't break any records today, but I didn't need to. I just needed to get back on the horse.


mimi said...

Good going!!

I know exactly what you mean- this old gray mare ain't what she used to be. I haven't gotten back up on the horse but I have changed the menu in the feed bag, so I am hoping one good change will lead to another.

Just discovered your blog and am enjoying it.

Anonymous said...

Congrats -- and we're all cheering you on! Not to brag, but I've managed to put in an hour a day on my bicycle. Because I've had both hips replaced 8 years ago, I have to do something to keep my leg muscles in shape -- to keep the bionic hips in place longer. Nothing like a goal to keep us going, whatever that goal may be! I am waving at you from Michigan.

CaShThoMa said...

Getting back on the horse is a sign that life may be getting back to normal again for you. Good for the body and the soul. Glad that Ken is back to work and feeling better.

Kitty said...

It's amazing how quickly our bodies can respond to exercise and good nutrition. I recently started getting regular massages again, after a hiatus of several years. It's such a wonderful thing to do for ourselves.

mermaid said...

Loved your last line. You didn't need to break any records. You just needed to move in your own way. I so hear you. How does it feel...riding the horse again?