Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A List To Guide Me

Before we left for Boston on Saturday I grabbed my class notebooks, with the intention of getting some work done in the car on the trip south. Several paragraphs of the business plan are due this week. I have about half of them written in rough draft, and I have cryptic notes on the rest.

I looked through my notes. There was a question I needed to answer before I went any further: What do I want from a business?

Here is what I wrote, unedited, as the words flowed onto the page~

I want:
- to share a product that makes life easier
- to have fun with it - product and process
- to connect with other women around business, ideas, innovation, life
- to make a high quality product that promotes eco-friendly practices & materials
- to make product(s) widely available, easily accessible on internet, through avenues that do not require me to sell directly
- to use the product to help women succeed

I looked back through the paragraphs I have written and most of these elements are present in one form or another. They need to be prominent. These ideas are at the heart of my mission. This list is the reason that I am putting myself out there and taking the risk.

Now that I am clear about what I want, I can clarify what I need to do.


Joanne said...

I'm a listmaker/itinerary writer, finding it helpful to actually put my ideas, plans, thoughts on paper. Almost like it's an expanded way of thinking. Especially an itinerary, letting me visualize the time coming up, with a sense of anticipation to reach certain points.

CaShThoMa said...

Lists are a good thing. Helps to create motivation to move forward. Good luck!

Elaine said...

I've been out of the loop, so I had the pleasure of retracing your journey from this list back to your initial commitment to the training program in September.

As I read back in time, I thought - Of course! If the "right" opportunity is not materializing for Sharon, she can go out and create her own opportunity/business. I'm so excited for you! Your list of what you want out of your business is invigorating even to me.

Cindy said...

I can't wait to see your business up and running. So curious as to what it look like, but love your ideas for it.

Kitty said...

Writing it out often helps to clarify things for me. And often, to solidify it, too. Somehow it makes it more real. "Yes, I do want that!"