I have been reading about vision boards for years. Martha Beck has written about them in Oprah's magazine, and they have been mentioned on a variety of Oprah's shows about positive thinking and taking charge of your life. It was not a project that appealed to me. Then last fall I started cutting words and pictures out of magazines, with no plan for what to do with them. I have moved the small pile of papers from surface to surface, room to room. Then just after Christmas Mir of Woulda Coulda Shoulda, one of the first blogs I started reading in 2008, made a
vision board. She's a practical, no-nonsense woman. If she could make a vision board, I certainly could, too. My "out" was going to be that I couldn't find enough pictures to fill a piece of cardboard, but that wasn't a problem. Yesterday I started placing pictures and words, and today I taped them down. I am not sure what it all means but if there was ever a year I could figure it out, this is the one. This is my finished vision board ~

The upper righthand corner is dominated by a daylily that came in the mail on a brochure. I don't know why the tape measure captured my imagination. The board is heavy with trees and flowers, and there is more than one serving of healthy, colorful food.

The bottom righthand corner is my favorite section, with its vibrant colors and favorite words. The beautiful glass bead necklace is layered over an abstract watercolor of trees. There's an abundance of purple. The little girl in the center of this section has blown a bubble with a cupid inside ~ that's the first image that caught my fancy months ago.

The top lefthand corner features cool colors and a scene from the Thames River. Great Britain is on my "to see someday" list. I resisted the bottles of wine but kept going back to it; I genuinely enjoy a glass of wine with dinner.

The bottom lefthand corner has a bowl of miso soup in the center, which looks so delicious that I will try it the next time I see it on a menu. I knew I'd include the tree on the aqua background the minute I saw it.
The poem above the woman with her arms in the air is the perfect centerpiece: one step/one step/i stop/i take one breath/one breath/warm sun above/white snow/below i breathe/i take/one step/one step by Rosemary Wahtola Trommer, "Climbing the Ridge"
I love this. Have thought of doing something like this for year.
Just seems no time and with taking care of home,garden,photograpy,writing, reading and on and on - just nevertook the time. I smile at your creation - wonderful.
I would love to see a post, maybe an essay of some sort, with the parallel message you find in your dream board ...
How cool! I can't figure out if the measuring stick is for your sewing or for your inner critic? BTW- I love the new profile pic!!
I LOVE doing these! Or I did ... as a child I would do one or two of these a month- I even have one or two of my larger pieces in my childhood art folder. I just found peace playing with images. What is really amazing about this is I have magazine clippings of color and pictures and words all sorted in a 3 foot tall rolling 6 drawer storage unit sitting right next to me. I kept cutting out stuff all through the kids childhoods- thinking I would get back to it. :-)
I love it! The first word that came to mind when I saw this was "Inviting". I made a vision board a few years ago and some of what I have on there has, and is, coming true. Pretty cool!
I highly recommend doing a Soul Collage with Laura at Shine the Divine. Very interesting and revealing process. I think you'd like it and, of course, you already know Laura is an absolute sweetheart.
P.S. I love witnessing this journey of growth and discovery you're on.
Oh Sharon, you DID it!! It is full of life and encouragement, nature and vibrant color....I LOVE it...will you journal from it? I bet it has a lot to tell you...beyond the words on the surface!
You've given me the encouragement to try one of these....love what you have on your vision board. Great colors too.
I love these vision boards -- great idea. Every time I do a collage, I employ some of these ideas -- and it really IS a form of therapy for me! But I need to just do a vision board, in and of itself, using the techniques you mention.Your board is lovely, and it was a lot of fun to read about how it tells your story. Nice job!
Your collage is beautiful and inspiring! I keep a bulletin board above my desk with my latest collage, usually themed around what I'm writing. I just finished a book. It's time for a new collage.
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