Friday, July 15, 2011

Color, Lots Of Color

In February I lined up all the pieces I had of fabric designed by Martha Negley. I left that array on the back of a chair in the family room for weeks ~

Then I felt ready to cut large squares. Once I knew what I wanted I was excited to put scissors to material, but then I had to duplicate the look of a progression of color ~

Playing with the actual layout of pieces led me to the effect I wanted. It has been so much fun to see the colors play with each other and come together from one corner ~

To another ~

Two halves will soon make a whole ~


Carolynn Anctil said...

Wow. Gorgeous. K....I know where I'm going when I finally get to finishing that quilt I started several years ago and need some help!

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

you are talented
I can hardly hold a needle :)
but do good in dirt...

teri said...

Good for you-love the fabric- this fall I will quilt again.

cindy said...

Again, those photos are so clear and lush. Love the colorful fabrics. I'd keep them out, too!