Late Thursday afternoon I was in the kitchen and heard distant meowing. I looked at
Leo, who was lounging on the floor, and he looked at me, and together we walked over to the door to the deck to see if we could locate where the sound came from. Lo and behold there was a young, skinny, long-legged orange-striped cat on the deck. Stunned, we looked at each other and I said aloud, "Where did that cat come from?" Leo had no reply. I called for Ken, who came upstairs and stared out the door with us. We decided the cat on the deck needed food, so we put some dry food in a bowl and set it outside. "He will be gone by morning," we thought.
The next morning the cat was back. Isn't he cute?

We fed him again and I put out a dish of water as well. He disappeared late afternoon, but he was back last night. This morning his little face peered into the kitchen.
We put out more food.
Then I looked up the closest animal shelter.
The problem is that the cat disappears just before the shelter opens and reappears after the shelter closes.
He came back this evening for dinner. We can't not feed him. We will not allow him in the house.
We have talked to Leo about putting out the word that we are push-overs and asked him to stop.
Oh, my. From the pictures, he looks well cared for. Could you put up notices in town or an ad in the paper, asking if anyone's lost a cat? Maybe someone's missing him.
There certainly have been few dull moments over there, eh?
Will call tomorrow - I'd love to lay eyes on this guy myself!
That cute cat face peering through the window pulled on my heart strings - and I'm not even a cat person.
oh oh....
Bless your heartfor feeding him. The cat sounds like it will not be caged!
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