Thursday, July 22, 2010

Six Hours

Last Friday I told my acupuncturist that I was sometimes getting six solid hours of sleep at night. She said that's not enough. I know that, but I was pleased because it was an improvement over the three to four hours I had been getting at a stretch.

I think I jinxed myself.

It started over the week-end. I spent hours each day outside. I was physically tired. Fresh air and physical activity should equal good sleep. It didn't add up. I slept three to four hours at a time, and I woke up exhausted. It didn't help to go to bed earlier because then I woke up in the middle of the night, exactly three hours later.

I love the late night hours. I always have.

It backfires when I give up that time because I wake up in the middle of the night and still feel exhausted in the morning. If I stay up I enjoy my favorite time of the "day" and I manage to get things done. I figure since I will be tired anyway, I might as well stay up.

Mornings are lost on me. No matter what time I get up, and I can arise at 5:00 if I have something to do, I do not hit my groove until 10:00 a.m.

My acupuncturist says the hours between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. are the most important to be asleep. I think the first two hours are for kidneys and the 1 to 3 time slot is for the liver. I'd like to know why those organs got my prime time....

But either way my body is not happy. The night I was in bed before 11 I was wide awake at 2 a.m. The night I stayed up reading until after 2 I was awake at 6; I didn't get up because I was so tired but sleep after that was fitful.

On the one hand I wish I didn't need to sleep.

On the other hand I used to love to get a good night's sleep. There's nothing better than clean sheets, a cool room, and time to sleep as long as you want.

I have those three things. I am just not getting enough sleep.

I am at the point where I am willing to try just about anything.


teri said...
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teri said...

Sorry - I had to re-post--- First I had to comment on your Carly Simon song-- Then I had to read about your wonderful week end project! It is looking great- Your cat is really funny-

Now I am all caught up. The sleep thing is tricky- no doubt. You mentioned you are tired in the morning - does your tiredness continue through the rest of the day? My massage/yoga teacher emphasizes sleep between 11 and 3 as well... I wonder why our liver and kidneys need such deep rest - I will be seeing her today and just will have to ask. Maybe it would help me get to bed at 10:45 instead of 11:30. Pleasant dreams-- thanks for sharing

Joanne said...

Sleep is a tough issue, affecting so many people in so many different ways. Maybe your body works best on that interrupted sleep cycle, but throw in a couple cat naps during the day? Sometimes those naps feel like a deeper sleep than night sleep, for some reason.

Janice Lynne Lundy said...

Has anyone suggested you try Calcium/Magnesium supplements? It promotes good sleep in menopausal women. Also Evening Primrose. I take both and they definitely help me sleep better.

Do you drink wine in the evening? As we age we metabolize sugar more slowly. So if you have dessert (sugar) at night or especially wine, your body will not start metabolizing it until about 1:00 a.m. I quit drinking wine too a few years back. It was really interrupting my sleep. I cannot do any sugar in the evening at all if I want to sleep. Just my thoughts...My holistic physician's too. Oh, the joys of menopausal years...E me if you like. I might have some other ideas. I hope tonight goes better for you.

(I do like Joanne's suggestion too.)

And what about herbal teas before bed? Hot bath or shower? Turn off news by 7:00 p.m. Ok, now I will stop....xo

CaShThoMa said...

Sleep is so important. Personally, I've been taking something at night to promote decent sleep for years. I don't necessarily recommend that approach but it has worked for me.

I think many, many women at our age have trouble with sleep.

Good luck.k

patti said...

I'm so sorry you're going through this struggle.

Been there. Done that. Even went to a sleep specialist.
He had me:
NEVER look at the clock at night.
ALWAYS take calcium b/f bed
GET OUT OF BED if I tossed & turned & SIT IN A DARK ROOM. Do NOTHING. Then go back to bed when you feel tired.
Always get up at the same time NO MATTER what war occupied the night before.

Sigh. It worked.
Was the treatment worth the cure? LOL


Cindy said...

I'm sympathizing, as I have the same problem. I resort to prescription meds to sleep. Trouble there is I can tell that the meds affect me the next day. I'm not usually a depressed person, and they make me feel a little low. Usually I'm more prone to anxiety than depression. Sigh. Can't get the balance. When I tried herbals, I got a weird twitch in my upper lip. Felt like I was channeling Elvis. I still remember questioning my grandmother about how early she got up and she said "you need less sleep when you're older" and I thought, "oh how great. can't wait. more hours in the day. yipee!" but really, when I get less than six hours I feel like I've been hit all over with a baseball bat. Can't sleep, can't think straight, and sure as heck can't work.

Cindy said...

Just double checked--the herbal I used was Valerian, so I am going to try the Evening Primrose, also calcium and magnesium.

mimi said...

When I can't sleep (often!) I take melatonin which is an over the counter sleep aid. It helps to relax the body and tell it "time to sleep". Sometimes it works wonderfully, other times not so well. But, you may want to try it. Ask your pharmacist or vitamin shop.

helen said...

Another suggestion -- a light snack before bed. "When you pair tryptophan-containing foods with carbohydrates, it helps calm the brain and allows you to sleep better. For even better sleep, try adding extra calcium to your dinner or nighttime snack. Experiment with your food habits to determine your optimum evening meals and snacks.

Sample bedtime snacks:
• glass of warm milk and half a turkey or peanut butter sandwich
• whole-grain, low-sugar cereal or granola with low-fat milk or yogurt
• a banana and a cup of hot chamomile tea."

(My hubby swears by the second one!

Have you researched using a light box? I've often wondered about the effectiveness and would be interested to hear if you try that route.

My stand-by sleep inducer is Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) about an hour before bedtime. One capsule usually works for me. Taking two capsules usually leaves me with morning brain fog.

Such a common problem among women…I wish you well with the struggle. Will look for a post when your sleep rhythm is regulated and you can let us know what worked.