Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My Word For 2011

Until I read Carolynn's post at A Glowing Ember I hadn't thought about choosing a word for this year. In years past, when life was busy and it helped to have a focus, a specific word would rise to the top and set the tone for the months ahead; two favorites I remember were "simplicity" and "flexibility," which was my choice at least two years in a row because it worked so well the first time.

I was reminded of the practice when I read the post, but no special word came to mind. Over the course of a couple days I tried on a few words but nothing rang true. I wasn't going to force the issue.

Then New Year's Day I was making the bed and a word came to mind. I wondered where it came from and why it came to mind while I was doing some mundane task, minding my own business and not thinking about much of anything. I tried to dismiss it. No luck. The word stayed with me. It made me uncomfortable.

I thought if I could find another word that meant the same thing I would feel better about making that my word for the year, since my self had obviously latched onto the idea of having a word in 2011. I wanted a gentler word, a softer concept to think about. I wanted a word that isn't a negative and doesn't have so many syllables. I pulled down my Webster's New World Dictionary, which was no help. I leafed through my trusty Random House Roget's Thesaurus, which usually comes through for me, but to no avail.

I had to face it. This year a word chose me.

And a funny thing has happened ~ this word fits. Without even trying this word has become a one-word mantra when I think about the year ahead.

My word for 2011 is "unafraid." How's that for a message from the universe?


teri said...

Sharon, What a brave word- I can honestly say I would have hid that word in a box with a tight lid. Ever since I read this post the other day it has been on my mind. Someday I too will tell the universe I am unafraid-just not yet. Thanks for helping me at least stay balanced, xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

That sounds perfect, just perfect!

Joanne said...

So often, our fears are unfounded, and serve only to hold us back. I can't wait to see where this brave word will lead you ...

Helen said...

I love it when the universe speaks. Will continue to follow your posts and observe how the year unfolds.

Carolynn Anctil said...

The same thing happened to me. I just opened my mind, let go, and "boop", there it was. Wellness. A perfect fit. As is yours, for you.

Thank you for the shout-out, btw. *smile*


One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Will you share the word with me.
After a day spent at the doctor's office - I need it.

CaShThoMa said...


I like that. Can't wait to see where you'll go this year with this mantra!

Laura said...

perfect sharon...a courageous choice that your subconscious has made...your soul drawing you to the word...and of course you would struggle and try to change it...but the thing to remember always is small steps right? You don't have to immediately be "unafraid"...it is a word you will grow into gradually...I feel confident that this is true...that as you learn to stand and face your fears (as you have been doing so very well this past year) the fears will linger and simple be companions, not enemies...perhaps some will fade way completely as they no longer serve to protect you (after all, that is what fears are...our amygdala's way of trying to protect us)...be patient, and gentle, and compassionate on this journey into "unafraid"...know that we are all here to help you along...you don't have to go it alone.
