Thursday, May 15, 2008

In Over My Head?

Today is one of those days when the ideas swirl and my mind races. Before I know it I am in over my head. I finally took off for a walk and thought just about putting one foot in the other, literally. Then I translated that to making plans ~ I can only take one step at a time. I cannot create answers out of thin air.

Many irons have wound up in the fire this week. There are things that I've wanted for a long time that seemed like they would never happen, and this week some of these things look possible. I think the transition has more to do with changes I've made than the world deciding I am worthy. The questions that have come up and the doubts I've faced are products of my own thinking (i.e. my ego). Smack! This "staying present" only works if I practice it!

I need a little bubble over my head with words of wisdom or a little person in my pocket who pinches me when my thoughts take off. Or maybe it's time to buy that neon sign....

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