Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Disheveled Day

I woke up this morning wanting to run a comb through my life, to straighten things out and set them right. Things feel out of place. I like to think that after the last two years I feel more comfortable with randomness and the unknown. Some days yes and some days no.

Two women I know have a handle on what's important right now. Elaine and Anne at WiseWomenCoffeeChat have started a contest to donate to a reader's favorite charity. Go to this Easy as 1-2-3 post and leave a comment with a link to your favorite non-profit charity before December 17. There will be a random drawing for a winner the next day. In addition to $100, they will contribute one dollar for every comment between then and the end of the year. What a great idea in these uncertain times....

Even the weather here is unsettled. Yesterday morning it was 10 degrees at 9:00 a.m. By 10:00 it was snowing, lightly. I had a job interview 43 miles south of here, and I knew to leave plenty of time to get there. Sure enough, the plows were out and the speed limit on the highway was down to 45 mph. Streets were fairly clear until I got into the city, where snow was accumulating and travel was slow. I got there in plenty of time.

The interview went well, I think? I won't know if I'm asked back for a second interview for at least a week.

Early this morning I could hear the wind and rain against my window. The temperatures today will be in the 50's. Yesterday's snow is no more.

As I lay in bed, waking up, second thoughts about the interview came to me: How did I answer the questions? Did the real me come through? Am I ready to jump back into a full-time job? Do I dare hope that I get the job?

Disheveled. That's how life feels right now, and the feeling is likely to continue. More snow is predicted for Thursday night with icing possible, too.


Anonymous said...

Don't let yesterday
use up too much of today.

~Cherokee Indian Proverb

You're articulate and present well so have positive thoughts and look forward to the call back. All the questions will sort themselves out. Don't over-think.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to borrow your term 'disheveled day.' It captures perfectly the out-of-sorts feeling I have on days when everything and everyone (including myself) are just plain off. It makes me want to scream "Do-over" and start the day over.

I agree with Helen's caution against over-thinking. I know when I get out of my head and into the moment and/or into my body, my disheveled feeling lessens.

Wishing you peace ...

Anonymous said...

Ice sheets of Ice here today! Unsettled, disheveled and slippery!

CaShThoMa said...

Well said; we all have these kinds of days. I like what Helen said about trying not to over-think; a nice reminder for all of us. The moment is now. Everything sorts itself out but it can be a challenge to remember that.

Keep writing!