Monday, November 29, 2010

My Timing Could Be Better

This is the last week of my Buddha Chick class.

Tuesday of next week is the last night of my computer class.

I didn't plan this very well. As of December 8 I will be without my carefully planned schedule of contacts with the outside world. If I'm not careful I will replace it with too many calories and a brouhaha of the worst sort.

I got a call today to see if I am interested in a cookie swap this year. No, I'm not. I don't want all those extra temptations in the house. For the last six years I have found a way to balance my food & drink input with my post-menopausal body, and I've done a pretty good job. Just in the last few weeks I have felt out of balance and realized that I need to recalibrate; I need to cut back on sweets. Right now there are Oreos, which I bought for my son, and Dunkers, from Trader Joe's, in the house. I can limit myself to one of each and hold that line. However, having a dozen different kinds of Christmas cookies in the house is not a good idea.

Town politics are about ready to implode. There will be a letter in tomorrow's local newspaper from one selectman, who is a lawyer, to another selectman delineating all the ways the latter has broken the law. Two of the three selectmen have been having discussions about town business in a local restaurant, and that breaks all kinds of rules. The town manager plans to take medical leave because of the stress she has been under. All of this has been brewing for months with a certain faction who want to "take back their town," but from whom we're not sure because those that are screaming the loudest and spreading rumors are the ones who have majority representation on the select board. There are many of us who want to support the town manager, who has brought the town back from the brink of red ink, but we've had a hard time figuring out how to help. Slowly but surely the truth is coming out, and there's talk the town might be able to enlist a mediator to help get town government back on track. We may need a new selectman or two in the process.

I've been tempted to get my hair cut. Again. I went three weeks ago and now have all kinds of layers I don't know what to do with. Each morning I decide to give it one more day. This is not a good time to make a decision about a return to a short hairstyle.

So, yes, my timing could be better. I'm not sure what I could have done differently, but I'm not looking forward to being left completely to my own devices. I have plenty to do. I always have plenty to do. It's the regular contact with the outside world I will miss.

I wonder what classes are being offered in January....


Joanne said...

I'm actually getting a haircut today, and asking my hairdresser to really put in the layers. The layers tend to give my hair more volume, a little styling gel and a spritz of spray and I'm good to go :)

Cindy said...

I know what you mean about outside contact Sharon. I'm planning a winter of writing without my usual teaching scheudule. There are plusses (time! energy!) and minuses--which is missing the regular contact with young people my job affords.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

A past of being in contact with the world. I now love my solitude and being alone in my cottage in the woods. This is the only way I can get to the core of my being.
A chair by the fire, book in my hands, journal, pen nearby, cup of tea and view of the woods and wild life is my ideal..
I understand how you feel - but I do not miss it.

teri said...

Hurray!! When you posted that list of autumn endeavors I was in awe. By the way I just realized that YOU made the Gratitude Quilt on Laura's page- OH MY GOODNESS it is beautiful! I have faith that the cookies and your hair will not have the last word. Hugs- teri

Laura said...

oh sweetie, you are not alone...not really...energetically speaking you are connected to all of your friends and family in all your own deep wisdom!

Carolynn Anctil said...

Oh my gawd, what is it with the sweets?! I never used to like sugary treats that much, going in for the salted versions in a big way. Now the pendulum seems to have swung the other way and it's wreaking havoc with my body & my moods. I was just thinking yesterday how I've got to cut out the sweets again. *sigh*

If you want to make contact with the outside world, you will. You'll take a class, or join a club, or take up a new hobby, or meet with friends for lunch, or make new friends and meet them for coffee. You're a Buddha Chick. You'll find a way.


Helen said...

On the other hand, maybe your timing is "spot on." I'm thinking about the tried and true saying, "Things work out for the best."

May I suggest some communication through media as you juggle your projects and community interests. You have the gift of articulation, a passion for writing, and abundant sensitivity. Perhaps a personalized SLM poem, card, letter or photo to folks who need a word of encouragement or a spot of sunshine delivered via mail. Personal contact of a different sort!

Peace to you my friend.

mermaid said...

You describe some of the same fears I have when leaving a meditation retreat. Do I have what it takes to go back into the world and meet each difficulty courageously? Who will I turn to when I stumble and fall?

I hope Jan has created a network of wise feminine support after the course is over. If not, you can still connect with others from the course via blog, email, phone, letters, or whatever way works best.

Sharon, you are not alone. When it feels like you are, remember the Divine Feminine within, and reach out to any one of us to help remind you:)

Patti Lacy said...

Oh, MY! Lots IS happening.
I pray things settle for you...soon!

I'm always searching for that hairstyle that takes no time and looks like a million bucks.

It never quite happens!