Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

To my children ~

Thank you for giving me this day to celebrate being your mother. That gives me the rest of the year to celebrate having you for my children. From the moment each of you were conceived I loved you. From the moment you were born you exceeded my expectations.

You made me a mother, it's true. More than that, you made me want to be my best me because you deserve the best. I wanted to do right by you and that meant lots of changes in the way I did things. When the going got tough, a hug from any one of you would get me back on track.

I didn't know how much I had to learn until I had you. You taught me patience and persistence, pride and humility, how to listen, and how to stand strong. You loved me and challenged me and made all of it worthwhile.

Our relationship has changed from mother and child to mother of grown children. We talk and laugh and share what happens in our lives. I respect your decisions. I love that you call and still want to come home. You've made my life better than I ever imagined it could be.

I love you ~ MOM

P.S. It's okay that you haven't made me a grandmother yet. I'll be ready when you are.