Wednesday, May 26, 2010

High Tide

Today I went to Popham Beach with a friend. It's the fourth time I've been this year, more than I've been all told in the last three years. We didn't go to sit and sun but to walk and talk. When we arrived it was high tide. The island in the background, which is a walkable distance away, was separated from us by the ocean ~

We had to wait for the waves to recede ~

before we walked the miles of beach ~

and remembered to look up at the sky ~
I have always loved the ocean, but I have never felt the pull of the sea that I now feel.


Joanne said...

As a walker, all I can say is Wow, you are very fortunate to be able to walk that beautiful beach. I can never live far from the sea. We are 45 minutes from Long Island Sound, and just knowing that I can get there easily at any time is an important thing in my life.

Cindy said...

Gorgeous photos. It's a little like being there to see those shots. I like walking anyway, but when I can walk a beach it's so much betterr.

Laura said...

Beautiful Sharon...I'm so happy you took the time to slow down and enjoy the pull of the sea, the sand beneath your feet, the expanse of blue sky above and the companionship of a friend.

helen said...

Walk and talk therapy on a gorgeous day -- good for you! Hope you felt as peaceful as the photos made me feel.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures. Makes me wish I was there, too.