Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Off Coffee

Monday afternoon I called to make an acupuncture appointment for Friday. Monday night I had my last cup of coffee for awhile, partly to impress my acupuncturist and partly because my caffeine intake may be contributing to my recent sleep troubles. Coffee has not kept me from sleeping in the past, but I am ready to try anything, which also explains my first acupuncture appointment in more than a year.

Two weeks ago Ken woke me in the middle of the night because my muffled screams woke him. I remembered the dream [someone was trying to break into a room where another woman and I were copying papers] and while it didn't seem that menacing, I was awake for along time afterward.

Since then I have jolted awake at 4 a.m. more than once. I lay there in a panic and sweating. It has been hard to sort out what the nightmares are.

Something is amiss.

All that I am trying to work through during the daylight hours is now interrupting my nighttime hours as well. This is unfortunate because at the end of the day I look forward to the refuge of sleep.

I have been staying up later and later, which probably contributes to the problem. When it comes to a bedtime, I don't have one. I usually stay up until I can't stay awake any longer.

I realized today that I haven't posted in six days. That hasn't been intentional.

I miss writing, like I miss coffee.

There are things going on in my external life. Things I don't write about here.

There are things going on in my internal life. Things I don't have a handle on and can't explain.

So it makes sense that I haven't posted for some days.

But I will be back tomorrow with a list of what makes me happy. And coffee will be on the list, even though it's off the menu this week.


Laura said...

courage my dear...your heart is full of it...sometimes there is a turning inward that helps us to remember this about ourselves...not fearlessness, but courage...figuring out what needs to be done (in our own time) and doing it anyway, despite the fears.

gentle steps,
Laura was great to connect with you today, off-blog!

Joanne said...

It sounds like you are doing all you can to resolve the external and internal issues you're experiencing. I hope it all comes together soon for you. I'd miss the coffee too. I find that it makes me stop during the day so that I have a little downtime from the routine. A little recess, I guess.

Carolynn Anctil said...

"There are things going on in my external life. Things I don't write about here.

There are things going on in my internal life. Things I don't have a handle on and can't explain."

My sentiments exactly. I'm having the same experience, apparently.

I'm hoping to get back on track soon. I miss writing too.

Thank you for your supportive comment over at my place re: my recent public meltdown. *smile*


CaShThoMa said...

I hope giving up the coffee is the answer to the sleep problems. If you can't sleep well, everything looks like a bigger problem the next day. Good luck, Sharon.

Cindy L said...

Sharon, some of the things you are experiencing might be menopausal symptoms ... at least in my experience. I have trouble sleeping, too, and can't seem to sleep any later than 7pm, no matter when I go to sleep. It's frustrating. Sounds like you are doing what you can to work on it. This too shall pass, but I know how you feel. Know that I am thinking of you, my friend.

Cindy said...

Insomnia is a problem for me too, only since I entered menopause. This winter, I took medication for it so I could get enough sleep to work next day, but I hate doing that, because it lowers my energy too much. On the up side, I can have a little coffee when I take the meds. But now that my semester has ended, I am going to stop the meds, which means no more coffee.