Monday, June 6, 2011

The Culprits: ABS

Last week at the hotel I had the pleasure of watching morning television, which was one of the things that really made it feel like a vacation. morning Kelly Rippa pressed a fitness expert for nutrition advice. Yes, yes, yes, she knew that exercise was important for good health. What she insisted she wanted was guidance on how to eat to get back her before-forty body. Kelly wanted to know what foods were contributing to her changing shape.

His answer was simple: Alcohol. Bread. Sugar.

Kelly, so cute in her size 6 workout clothes, slumped over like she had been punched in the stomach.

I know how she feels, though for different reasons. Her life is full of celebrity events, fancy dinners, and luxurious vacations. I am sure that the alcohol flows, the bread is delicious, and the sugar is sweet wherever she goes.

I thought "Of course!" for reasons of my own.

For the first time in almost three decades I can enjoy a glass of wine or beer and keep sweets in the house. Why? Because there are no children living at home.

Ken and I made a commitment early on to model the most responsible behavior possible for our children, and that included not drinking and driving. When the kids were little it meant we didn't drink alcohol at home before we went anywhere or drink anywhere when we had to drive home. When the kids got older it meant that we didn't drink alcohol because we were chauffeuring them around or needed to be available in case they needed a ride.

Ken and I didn't regret the decision we made regarding alcohol consumption. It meant that our children could watch what we did as well as listen to what we said. We did quite well for many years enjoying fresh brewed coffee and iced tea.

And now we certainly do enjoy a chilled glass of wine or a cold brew.

So of course that's contributing to my midlife spread! I finally have the freedom to drink now that I don't have the metabolism to burn off the calories of alcohol.

And how I love fresh baked bread, popovers right from the oven, and warm bread pudding! All things sweet taste better than they ever did before, now that the calories take up residence in places where I need a crow bar to pry them loose.

Oh, well. Knowledge is power, so now at least I know what part of the problem is. I am not going to give up a glass of wine with dinner or a beer during the hockey game, and I am certainly not going to stop eating bread or sweets, although I am paying closer attention to what I keep in the house.

I did climb back on the treadmill today after a ten-day hiatus, and yoga class resumes tomorrow. Now I have an even stronger incentive to stay active. I need to keep busy if I am going to continue to enjoy the tasty things in life.


Joanne said...

Just think how yummy those treats will taste after a satisfying day of yoga ... you've earned it! I find that those sweets taste even better when I've 'worked' for them ;)

Cindy's Coffeehouse said...

Sharon, I agree how ironic it is...just when you feel you can enjoy certain foods, your body is behaving differently.

A few years back, I clipped from the paper a column by Dr. Gott. He said he had success with his patients by telling them to avoid "white" food -- food with white flour or white sugar, even white potatoes. He said people easily lost weight on that plan.

I also saw a show on PBS that said the same thing. But for myself, I prefer the word "limit" instead of avoid. I figure if I tell myself I can't have something, I'll probably crave it more. I just like the idea of choosing alternatives to the white food first, but if I have a major craving, I'll have a reasonable portion of a "white" food and enjoy it without feeling guilty!

(And I just wrote all this after posting a double chocolate chip cookie recipe on my blog! :))

Laura said...

Oh Sharon, like in every other aspect of your wellbeing...mindfulness and metta...loving your body as it is...of course it is changing, and it will change again in the crone phase...bodies shift, just like minds. Caring for it with healthy foods and exercise is wise and yet indulging in treats occasionally is also kind. Please don't deprive yourself of pleasure to "fight" a body in transition...but make conscious your intuition, your own Divine wisdom to love, love, love your sacred vessel. You are SOOO beautiful my friend...don't let skinny Kelly Rippa confuse you with her celebrity body...YOU are a gorgeous just the way you are! word verification is "mistic"...not spelled quite right, but still pretty cool!!!!

teri said...

Hello my friend! Banish the bread, quit the cookies, but never take my chocolate away! It is funny I ate more bad things when my kids were at home- because I did not want to eat their fruit and healthy stuff. So for me I am eating less of the junky stuff now. But give me my weekend Margaritas!

And Kelly probably has a personal trainer and a nutritionist. I wonder if Regis will kick her off for another younger woman- just like they did Kathy Lee?

mermaid said...

I love your humor and honesty in this writing piece. You know what can contribute to weight gain, and you balance this with what you also want to enjoy in life.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

I really should not leave a comment.
Weight has never been a problem.
I have always exercised - whether it was walking or gardening. Also my nature is I am always doing something - something I have worked on for years trying to relax more.
Love all kinds of foods and treats - but have been told my portions are mighty small :)
Maybe that is why I have stayed around 110 lbs - size 4.
Two of my daughter's constantly trying to lose a few pounds - but they eat twice what mom does..
We are all different - do what you can, lead a healthy lifestyle, relax and enjoy life

Carolynn Anctil said...

In the past 5 years or so, I've grown more intolerant of alcohol. On the rare occasions that I have a glass of wine now, I don't enjoy it or the way I feel afterward. I don't miss it though, so that's not a hardship.

Bread & sweets? Now, that's a different story. I've developed much more of a sweet tooth than ever before and I've always been a bread lover.

I'm glad to see that potato chips don't show up on the list anywhere. A girl's gotta have at least one vice she can enjoy from time to time.


Beverly said...

I nodded many times as I read this post....I find the same is happening to me...

Nan said...

I came here via Ernestine's blog. I guess I'd rather have my bit of weight than give up any of those three things!