Saturday, August 9, 2008

Yes to Estrogen Cream

*Note: My latest post at 50-something moms blog is [a companion piece to my last post here] titled Life After Menopause.

This post is a little personal, but I think the information is important. What I'm hearing from women is that there's not much being written about what really happens during menopause. I'd like to change that, so here we go....

Monday night I started using estrogen cream again. I had a prescription filled over a year ago for Premarin and only used it once. I had previously tried a different brand and had a reaction, probably a sensitivity to some ingredient. The doctor then prescribed Premarin, I used it once, and things felt a little strange so I put it aside. Lately I've run out of ideas to try to make sex more comfortable, so I figured I would give the Premarin estrogen cream another go.

Yes! After three nights I noticed a difference and sex didn't hurt. This is a good thing.

In the beginning, again, things felt a little strange. If you've read this far, I guess I can share that 1 gram of the cream is applied to the area in question. There was an almost immediate change in feeling...that's hard to explain...but more sensitive? full? I decided to continue with the daily dosage for at least a week to see if it made a difference. I was at the point that I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. By the second day I was used to the feeling and stayed with the plan to see it through.

I'm glad I gave the Premarin cream another chance. After this week, I will use it a couple times a week to see if I can maintain with that. My body is smart so it may figure out what it needs to do and take it from there, which has been known to happen for other women. I have a good feeling about this....


CaShThoMa said...

Hmmmm. Thanks for this post; I might give this estrogen cream a try. My doctor offered it to me after hearing my complaints but I declined. Time to rethink the plan!

I too had my last period at age 48, just as my 13 year old daughter started her period. We overlapped on the period thing for a whole two months before mine "gave up the ghost".

The physical and emotional changes of this time of life are phenomenal, particularly the latter which I feel have a longer tail and are more complex than the physical, at least for me. I'm still a student, learning each day how to be a mid-lifer and walk with grace.

You write well and I'll keep reading!


Anonymous said...

I am glad you want to share this information. My own mother was done with her period long before I was even born due to a hysterectomy and I have no idea when my birth mother went through her change, so I have nothing but reading on which to rely.

We spend so much time as younger women discussing all manner of things related to our wombs and it is strange to me that we don't talk more frankly or often about the end of periods and the after time.

Thanks for your comment on my blog today by the way. I had many offers of other people's dishwashing to help out with but it is not the same as your own.