Monday, May 18, 2009

Post Plant Sale

The plant sale was a huge success. I don't have any numbers yet, but I heard this year's sale had the largest number of plants in 36 years. Just before the doors opened on Saturday I snapped this photo of geraniums sitting under a window~

The bagpiper, who entertained those waiting outside, led the line of people into the hall~

In an effort to clean up our "yard" so we can someday plant, Ken has been periodically burning brush in our fire pit in the front~

I was feeling optimistic, so I bought violets and daisies to plant on either side of the steps to the deck and a ground cover called Emerald Gaiety for the slope beside the walkway~


Joanne said...

Love those geraniums. We just planted several pots of them, one of my favorite flowers. Something about geraniums just speaks summer to me. Maybe they make me think of flower boxes and lazy front porches, a type of ease. Have fun planting your deck flowers!

Kristen said...

where's Leo?!?

Nice shots of the plants though. :)

Anonymous said...

The power of community! Beautiful Geraniums!

Only the Half of It said...

Wow. Lovely pictures. Looks like you are keeping busy. Wondering how you are able to post more than one image in each blog.... ?