Friday, June 20, 2008

A New Opportunity

Well, I pushed the "send" button for my first post for the 50-something Moms Blog. I don't know when it will be posted because it's sent to an editor and put in a queue once it's approved. In the meantime I encourage you to check out the 50-somethingmoms, which is affiliated with other moms blogs all around the country, which are listed down the lefthand side of each site.

This all started when I saw "mommy bloggers" on The Today Show in May. I started reading other blogs written by women in a variety of life situations. I am amazed at what's out there. The topics, styles of writing, age of writers, reasons for writing, and all matter of details of people's lives are endless. A place to start is which gives one list, one of many in cyberspace, of blogs by topic.

For me, this is all part of my quest to find a team. The 50-something moms are on probation because I don't know them very well yet. One writer has been helpful and I am enjoying getting to know her. I don't know how well I will fit in with this group of women, which you can see for yourself if you click the "About Us" tab at the top of the 50-something website. Most of them have a computer as an added appendage, whereas I had to print out the instructions to post on TypePad and read them four times before I even started. I just learned last month how to download photos to the computer from the digital camera, for heaven's sake! I will continue to plod along if I think I will benefit from being a part of this group, which I won't know for a while.

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