Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My Cat Was In The Doghouse

Last evening Ken grilled hamburgers and hot dogs for dinner. As usual, Leo went outside too, to stay on the porch or under the deck. However, this time, Leo took off for parts unknown, in just seconds. He was not anywhere around the house. He was not on the rock wall or down the driveway. This was the first time Leo has taken off on Ken, who headed off to look for him while I called for him from the porch. Then, from a stand of trees just off the deck, Leo sauntered toward the house, as if to say, "What? Are you looking for me?" I hollered that I had him and Ken headed back to the house, where he gently picked up the cat and put him in the garage for the night. Leo knew he was in trouble ~ we heard not a sound all night and he did not stir in the morning until he heard me moving around.

In an attempt to encourage good behavior, this morning I told Leo he could go out with me to hang up laundry. We walked around back together. Then we walked around the house, with him following me every time I said, "Come on." Once back to the deck we climbed the stairs together. Leo decided he needed a drink ~

a moment's rest on the deck ~

and a nap... because following the rules is exhausting ~


Anonymous said...

If you have a cat that listens at all then you are doing really well and he is being extra good! He certainly is a beauty!

Joanne said...

I think your feline negotiation helps, inviting him to help hang the laundry to prove himself. He looks like he's on his best behavior now!

Kristen said...

did he get a chance to go outside today too?

The drinking from the watering can pic is my favorite one yet!

CaShThoMa said...

Isn't it amazing how much cats can sleep? He looks very comfortable. Nice cat there..."Leo".

Kitty said...

Aren't cats wonderful?

While Leo may have been a bad boy this week, I'm amazed that you've got him trained in outdoor behavior as well as you seem to have. (This reminds me of the saying, 'as difficult as herding cats.')