Thursday, June 25, 2009


There is a series of four small cards, framed, on a wall in my bedroom. Each one has a simple black and white graphic design and a phrase underneath. With the new room arrangement I see these cards the first thing each morning. The first card reads "To simplify we have to say no." For ten years I have thought that meant saying no to others who ask me to do things.

This week I realized that it means saying no to myself, too.

No to old patterns.

No to the same old stories.

No to who I thought others wanted me to be.

No to who I thought I needed to be.

Months ago I wrote on a scrap of paper ~ Who would I be if not me? I always thought I wanted to be someone else, yet here I am. In February I copied the words into my journal. The words were clear but the meaning was not.

Who else could I be? That has been the question on my mind.

Who am I if I am not the jobs I do or the roles I play or the expectations I satisfy? I have been dancing around all that, questioning how to let go and wondering who I would be if I did.

Who am I if I am not my stories? Who am I if I let go of who I have always been? What will fill the void left behind?

While my mind has been busy trying to answer the questions, my body and spirit have been busy doing the work. Aches and pains that lead to insights and change. Dreams and connections that lead to answers and more clues. The pieces are coming together.

When everything else is stripped away, it is the essence of who I am that remains. Without all the extra bits, and sometimes without so much as a thought in my head, I have spent time alone with myself. Nothing to do. Nowhere to go. No one to talk to. Just me.

Despite my best efforts to create another identity, I am still me. This is the simplified version, without the bells and whistles, minus the filters and censors. I am learning to meet the "what ifs" at the door to bar their entrance. I am eliminating "worry" from my list of things to do and "should" from my vocabulary. It's time to find new things to carry.

Today, for the first time, I feel that joy will be part of this journey. It's not that I gave up on finding joy, it's that I didn't know where to look. Joy has been buried under all the other stuff. The paring down and clearing out has uncovered the essentials.

Three more words came to me this week. Honesty. Surrender. Simplicity. I will add those to the list of what I am taking with me as the journey continues.


Janice Lynne Lundy said...

What a wonderful thought process (and heart process!) you are engaged in here. I truly salute you. I recall years ago a naturopathic physician asked me a profound question. I was having tons of stress and anxiety and felt like my life was falling apart. She asked me who was Jan without all the roles, the hats I wore as mom, wife, friend, daughter, speaker, etc. The words that popped out of my mouth were, "I'd be nobody." Then I broke down in tears.

That was a sky cracking open moment for me and in a few sacred seconds, I lost myself and found myself anew in uncharted territory. Both life-shattering and life-affirming. It took me years to put the "proper" pieces of my personal puzzle back together so I could live as the real "me." It sounds like you may be in that powerful place. :-)

I love that you are tapping into Joy. Keep on keepin' on, my friend. What a lovely journey you are on. Hugs...

Anonymous said...

This is a really wonderful post.

Joanne said...

I say "Yes!" four times, to your four "No's." I've been there, and found your four nos to be so fatiguing. It is like a lightening when we purely release them, like letting go of a balloon and watching the breeze lift it away. Releasing them clears the path for the honesty of yourself to find its way.

CaShThoMa said...

Love to follow along on your journey. These are such common themes for many of us; I connect with your observations and with your goals along this path.

Anonymous said...

That is so wonderful to hear Sharon- I'm rooting for you and think you are on the right track! Sounds incredible!