Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Once I decided where I wanted to plant the daisies and violets that I bought at the plant sale, it meant that the tree that was inches from the deck had to go. We can't figure out why the builder left a tree that close to the house, but he did and we have known since the beginning that it had to come down. First we moved the rhododendron, which didn't like living there anyway. Then we moved the lupine to a bigger space where it can spread out. Ken figured out where the tree needed to fall and positioned me on the deck to give it a gentle nudge when it started to go. He started sawing away, I yelled "move your head," and the tree fell just right ~

Looking back at the house you can see that we do not lack for trees ~

I had time Monday to move the pieces out of the way ~
so I could turn over the soil, add mulch and manure, to plant daisies and violets ~
I was so proud of myself! Until I saw this picture and realized how desolate my little plot of ground really looks. Then I read Joanne's post about her zinnias from seed. My plants will grow with water, sunshine, and tending. Patience, dear gardener, patience....

1 comment:

Joanne said...

We took several trees down that were close to the house when we bought this place. I worry about limbs damaging the house during storms and also like the sunshine reaching in the windows. Love your daisies and violets. Don't you think they have a certain charm at this stage, tender and taking root in their new home? Have fun cultivating them, and oh yes, we'd like progress reports :)