Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Back In Harmony

The back of the Harmony Quilt came together in stages.  I had two dozen nine-patch squares I'd sewn together at the beginning of the project with no plan for how I might use them.  I was playing with colors and patterns and wasn't sure they'd even make their way into this quilt.  Luckily I was able to make them work with rectangles cut from larger pieces of fabric left once all the quilt pieces were cut.  The end result was a pleasant surprise ~
Nine individual squares came together
to make a nine-patch then bordered with blue
and alternated with rectangles of prints
to create larger rectangles that fit together in harmony


Things that make me happy said...

Beautiful work, Sharon! I so appreciate the work that goes into quilting!

Balisha said...

I love the colors of this quilt. When I see an old quilt at a garage sale...I always think of how many hours went into the making of it.
Your daily posts are really interesting.

Anonymous said...

It's wonderful -- I am so impressed.

cauchy09 said...

ooh, fun!