Friday, February 4, 2011

A Guy I Know

Today I took my 2001 Outback in for an oil change. The problems we've had with the other car have made me vigilant when it comes to sounds, smells, and warning lights. I asked my mechanic to check for oil leaks and problems with the muffler.

My mechanic is the guy who manages the garage. He has a soft spot for Subaru vehicles and more than once has worked on my car on his own time. He doesn't do all the work on my car when I take it in, but he always takes a trip out to the garage to see if there's anything that needs special attention.

Today the shop was fairly quiet and we had a chance to chat. He recently shoveled out his '98 Legacy from a snow bank, jumped the battery, and got it back on the road for the first time since October. He talked about the snow that is accumulating on the roof of his "camp" and I asked him where his camp was located; it's four hours north of here, about an hour from the ocean. I said how nice that it was close to the ocean, and he replied that he lives right on the ocean. That led to a conversation about where he lives, the great seafood restaurant near his house, and how his road gets plowed out.

Every time I take my car into the shop, we find something new to talk about.

I watched him interact with other customers while I waited. He gives each person his full attention and makes them feel like their car will get the care it needs.

It turns out that my exhaust pipe was bent, and with a bit of heat it was bent back into shape. He said there were no obvious leaks, oil or otherwise, and that the engine was surprisingly tight for a car ten years old with 153,800 miles on it. I thanked him and left with a smile on my face.

People are so interesting. Everyone has a story and most people will share theirs if you give them a chance.


Joanne said...

Life tells the best stories, doesn't it?

Laura said...

so true... the key is to stop and listen with an open heart:)

Anne said...

I completely agree! It's so amazing when you find someone - a part of your daily life - and learn about their stories. Everyone is so interesting! This is a good reminder to calm down, slow down a little, and listen to other people. Thank you!