Thursday, February 17, 2011

Writing It Down

It's not a big deal really. It's just a desk diary.

I bought one last year and only used it a couple months before it was buried on the bookshelf and forgotten. I originally found it on clearance at Barnes & Noble, late in January, the last one. The cover is leather. Each date has lines to fill with a day's activities. Each week has a paragraph that highlights an aspect of an author's life. There is an "at a glance" spread for each month with large squares to plot an overview.

This was more than a calendar or datebook, both of which I have and rely on daily.

This desk diary was going to be where I kept track of my life taking shape.

The problem was that life took on a shape of its own, and it wasn't what I had planned. It turned out that I didn't want a written record of all that went the other way from what I wanted.

When I let go of what I had planned, there was room for what was. Days came and went, things got done, life went on. I was more of an observer than an orchestrator, more of a participant than a planner.

In some ways I wish I had a written record of what I was thinking during that time. In other ways I am glad I can remember that it was a time that passed and I came through it a wiser woman.

A week ago I was in Barnes & Noble. I have been tracking the calendar clearance table and waiting for prices to hit rock bottom. They finally did, and there was one leather-bound Barnes & Noble 2011 desk diary left. I bought it.

I will just have to see what happens next.


One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

I like this post. Can relate so well. Have a good weekend.

Joanne said...

I think it's interesting that you bought another one. Something about them intrigues you, I hope this is the year that you fill it to the brim with life as it happens.

Carolynn Anctil said...

Love this. It's all part of the art of surrender. I love that you bought another one, it smacks of optimism.

You can always have another Point A.

Cynthia said...

I journal every morning and have for years. I don't reread them though because the one time I did I thought it was super boring;-)

Laura said...

"When I let go of what I had planned, there was room for what was." This describes my life so well Sharon...even with all the stuff that is scheduled because my kids are still home and growing...mostly I just stay in the flow and see what unfolds. There are many blessings to be found in a simple life.