Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Need A Little Spring

Last winter I bought a variety of flowered fabrics to make a quilt for my own bed. This is a special case ~ I have never bought fabric specifically to make myself a quilt. Never. Ever. The quilts Ken and I have that I made are sewn from scraps of fabric left over from other projects. So this is a big deal. I folded up the pieces of material and put them away, and since then I have moved them from a wicker hamper to a woven basket, and several times I've gotten them out to refold and look at them again. Well today they came out into the sunlight. I lined them all up on the back of the futon chair, where I can see them while I'm on the treadmill and touch them when I'm sitting in the chair. I needed a little touch of spring and all these flowers made me smile ~


Anne said...

That is SO lovely! Oh the colors make me smile!

Anonymous said...

Oh I love lining up fabric and seeing the colors and designs dance! It's going to be beautiful!

Joanne said...

Is this a step in the process of beginning to sew the quilt? Seeing and thinking and planning before beginning?

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Your quilt will be beautiful.
It already comes to mind
I have no sewing talent.
Now I just dig in the dirt :)

Carolynn Anctil said...

I LOVE fabric and these are wonderful. I've been feeling the same need for colour. That would make a wonderful quilt.

mermaid said...

Sharon, I think you are feeling the effects of the seeds you planted inside your heart this Winter. Can't wait to see the quilt, and I'm so glad you are creating from new cloth over scraps. Metaphorically, this act speaks volumes:)

Anonymous said...

I love fabric waiting to become a project -- these colors make me smile too!

teri said...

Lovely, lovely, lovely! AND Yeah to you for buying some fabric. I leave fabric out on my upstairs banister for months at a time. Every time I walk by the colors make me smile-

Cynthia said...

Love those colors. Perked me right up this morning!

CaShThoMa said...

In the midst of winter's bleakness, those colors are wonderful. I'd love to curl up with a quilt made from these fabrics. Ahhhh.